idaho author award winner

My Book

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Not My Plan

IAA seal jpeg
sucking it in until i had to push it out

Megan penned her first book in 2016, which became a top 3 award-winner for “best Autobiography” from the Idaho author awards.

McCaleb is passionate about loving others, laughing together, and sharing TRUE stories that shape our lives.

In 1999, Megan graduated high school 5 months pregnant.  In order to avoid burdening her friends and family, and to dodge any potential judgement, she hid the pregnancy and endured the process without outside support all the way up until delivering a full-term baby.

Not knowing exactly what to do in that window of time, she remained focused solely on the responsibility she had for the growing life inside her. 

She ultimately chose adoption.

Her story has some unique twists, and fits well in line with the emotional struggles involved in countless unplanned pregnancies, and myriads of other types of life struggles we face all over the world.

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