Okay, so I’m a little late to the blogging world. At least in any kind of orderly fashion. But here we go! I’m kicking things off with a link to a podcast interview I did recently with a friend of mine, Matt Dietz, who I’ve admired for a long time as a business person and generally outstanding human being.
My first couple of blogs are going to likely be a sampling of all things Megan so you can, as my website’s name will indicate, virtually MEET me. Hi! I’m Megan Bryant.
Please have a listen to my interview on the “None Of My Business” podcast (and contact Matt here for all your insurance needs – he even handled my event insurance for Idaho Laugh Fest!) and check back often for more thrilling adventures, or subscribe if you want. Or book me to come perform comedy. It would be acceptable for you to do all of the above as well.
And thank you for taking time to check things out on my tiny blip in the internet vortex.