VLOG 7 Not My Plan

I can’t believe I’m finally writing this blog. I’ve been eager for this moment for months. What a whirlwind the past 18 months have been. What started as a little, persistent inkling in my very soul, urging me to share this positive story of adoption has become a small pile of pages bound together in the form of a real BOOK. Amazing. (To me…)

This book really became something special and meaningful because it includes contributions by my mother, my birth daughter, and both of her parents. Amid the digging into my own past, I had help from my sisters, Erin and Shannon, and even a couple of conversations with my birth daughter’s baby-daddy to hear more about the experience from their perspectives. The support I received during this process has been incredible.

I got my first shipment in the mail yesterday and 8 year old son and 3 year old daughter’s heads nearly exploded. They were so excited to see my face on the back of a book. They each HAD to have their own copies, which I obviously obliged. SIGNED copies, no less. And they have been carrying them around the house non stop.

Fletcher (my 8 year old) keeps looking at me with these big eyes. “You’re famous!”

Well…not really, but I do feel accomplished at the moment, and to see him look at me like that makes me feel like a million bucks.

So, if you want your own copy of Not My Plan, you have the option of paperback or Kindle ebook at Amazon.com

I’m also working on putting together a book signing/comedy show if I can muster the strength in my current pregnant-again/exhausted state.

You can catch me speaking about my story at the Women Ignite Idaho Conference in October at the Boise Centre, where I’ll also have a booth to feverishly sign autographs for 2-3 adoring fans.

I couldn’t have done this without the support of my mother and stepfather, and my sister, Shannon, who offered up gobs of babysitting for my 3 year old and 1 year old during countless hours of writing and re-writing. And I would have never had the courage to do this without the steady reassurance I received along the way from my Heavenly Father. I didn’t LIKE this process, but I’m truly grateful that I practiced what I preach when I teach improv, and used my God-given talents and enthusiasm to say “yes, and…”

Thanks for following along with me!

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