
Personal Development with Improv Insights

My business deliverables have been versatile and adaptable over the years, just like the artform of IMPROV itself, which is at the very foundation of everything that I do. Everyone who has ever heard of improv before typically has their own idea of what it means or how it applies and MANY people don’t think

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Public Speaking life

Public Speaking with Improv Insights

How it started/How it’s going My comedy/public speaking career started when I was a wee youngin’ and I’ve had a hunger for talking into microphones ever since. I love the opportunity to share stories and points of view. And I love how microphones amplify a person’s voice so more people can hear it. For many people, public speaking

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Nurture Calls: Part 2 of 3 in a KookyMegan Mini-Series

Being the youngest of six in a family that blended together when I was seven, I always savored the feeling of a full house. There were countless activities and conversations going on at any given time. Mostly pleasant, but sometimes listening in on a tantrum-throwing teenage older sister who liked to slam doors so hard

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