Personal Development with Improv Insights

My business deliverables have been versatile and adaptable over the years, just like the artform of IMPROV itself, which is at the very foundation of everything that I do.


Everyone who has ever heard of improv before typically has their own idea of what it means or how it applies and MANY people don’t think that it can apply to them. They often see it as something for OTHERS to benefit from.


It is so odd to me.


When I talk with people about what I do, they sound excited and impressed and always have questions about it and show genuine interest. And then, more often than not, they tell me about SOMEONE ELSE in their life who “should take improv training” from me. Never, “You know what? That sounds like something I could benefit from.”


Talk about PROJECTION. Haha! (But srsly.)


My current focus and most repeat client space is in two areas. 1:1 Coaching and public speaker training. (with “Yes, And” keynotes and group training events for teams popping up in the mix as well.)


The truth is – IMPROV skills are great for everyone. In all age ranges and industries. The first step is making the BOLD choice to enroll yourself into the idea of what’s possible through improv.


Let the positive principles of Improv become an anchor in your personal development or the foundation of your signature speech and stage presence as a presenter.


My unique skill set as an improv coach, comedian, and personal development strategist is that I can pull together my years of career experience (working in corporate roles WHILE performing and building a business that teaches the applied skills of improv and humor) into a fast-paced, fun, and transformative learning space for TWO really important niches:


1. 1:1 “Yes, And” Accelerator for personal & professional development


2. Public speaker training


Many of the principles used to form an outstanding and captivating presentation are the exact skills you can use to become a better performer in your own, everyday life.


Everything I know about human connection and unlocking creativity, I learned from years of performing on stage. Being a comedian and examining life through the lens of humor and connection was, no joke, a strong form of my own life coaching!


If you are seeking COACHING, and need:


1. Guidance to unlock the potential of YOUR personal passion


2. An outside perspective to help make sense of your life experiences and where to go from here


3. To step into a new season where you can feel the joy of personal empowerment


4. To stop taking yourself so seriously!!!


Or…as a SPEAKER – If you are eager to:


1. Hone an attention-grabbing speech


2. Wow every crowd with bold stage presence


3. Share your story with others through truly memorable content


4. Claim your role as a thought leader and expert in your field


…what better option than to be coached by an award-winning comedian, award-winning author, and improv guru?!


What’s Improv…and WHY would I need that?


As you embark into the space of public speaking, it’s not a matter of IF something might go wrong, it’s WHEN. While it may not be a major glitch, it CAN throw even a seasoned speaker off track if they are not in tune with themselves and their ability to think on their feet.


The core principle of Improv employs a “Yes, And” approach to people and processes. Simply put, the “YES” shows acceptance of what is presented, while “AND” builds upon that idea with the new information of possibilities. Using these two very little words will give you a BIG boost in your mindset, confidence in delivery, and to develop your powerful presentation.


“Yes, And” – the core rule of Improv creates a platform of better communication and trust among your attendees.


Megan’s coaching sessions are hilarious, tender, and impactful.




Learning the skills of improvisation, without having to step foot into a dark theater and actually stepping onto a stage, will revolutionize the communication and clarity you will have with every relationship you have in your life, beginning with the relationship you have with yourself.


Life feels complicated and confusing at times, and the simple, joyful tools within improv pull back the curtains to reveal that even life’s biggest challenges can be navigated more positively and productively with a “Yes, And” mindset.




Learn all the behind the scenes know-how of what to expect at events, what to wear, how to prepare and punch up your content, how to handle microphones, and so much more.


Working with Megan is like taking a peek directly backstage, and is your own personal hype-person!


After years of stepping on stage to speak and perform gut-busting comedy shows, she’s passing the torch to those who are ready to share their stories and business tools in a unique and engaging way through the gift of effective tools that you can immediately put into action.


PRO TIP: You don’t HAVE to be funny on stage, but if you understand the connecting principles of humor, you will have a leg up on grabbing and KEEPING your crowd’s attention and winning them over.


Improv training with Megan McCaleb is a fully engaged experience, including exercises that utilize the same principles of performance improvisation. This exciting learning platform brings long-term, highly beneficial results. And, it’s insanely fun!


Megan has been coaching and performing Improv for more than 15 years, and has trained with ComedySportz and The Second City. She’s received such honors as the Idaho Business Review’s “Accomplished Under 40” and “Woman of the Year.”


She was voted Best Local Comedian by the Boise Weekly, and Top 5 Best Non-fiction award for her autobiography, “Not My Plan; Sucking it in Until I Had to Push it Out.”


She is the creator and host of the “I Hardly Know Her” podcast and a Jeep enthusiast.

About Me


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